
Flemish Gin 23 changes its name and packaging!

Finally, we can tell you! Flemish Gin 20-3 and the Limited Edition OriGIN Distiller’s Heart were given a metamorphosis in both name and design.


Flemish Gin 23: the same taste and quality

The gin and its recipe have not changed at all. Flemish Gin 23 is an authentic premium gin, double-distilled in a small batch in an original copper pot still. To the basic grain distillate, 23 botanicals are added to create a delicious gin. Not only classic gin botanicals, but also rare ingredients such as hops, carob and yarrow are used. It is a complex-tasting gin with juniper as a solid base for intense flavours of botanicals and citrus fruit.


Subtle name change: FG 20-3 becomes FG 23

The rebranding of the gin mainly concerns the name and the design of the bottle. Previously we wrote Flemish Gin 20-3 or FG 20-3, “twenty dash three”. From now on, we simply write Flemish Gin 23 or FG 23 without the dash.


Same bottle, different label and cork with inlaid copper seal

In terms of label design, we are taking a completely different approach: the classic, white label has been replaced by a stylish design that better represents the brand story.


In short

Meet the Leo Botanicus, central on the label, and mirrored like on a game card. The lion refers to Flanders, the origin of genever and gin. The lion’s mane represents the 23 botanicals that give the gin its unique flavour profile.

The four Arcana: The Erlenmeyer, The Masked Saint Martin, the Book of Distillation and the Eye of Horus. Like a game card, the four corners of the label represent the four arcana, together symbolising FG 23’s origin and lineage.


Heart Of Flemish Gin 23: the same taste and quality

The gin and its recipe have not changed at all. Heart Of FG 23 takes you back to the origin of gin. Taste the pure heart of the distillate where the most delicate flavours and aromas are concentrated. Heart of FG 23 is available in limited quantities because of the used distilling technique. The Master Distiller intervenes several times during the distillation process, extracting the “best” cuts or pieces.


New name: The OriGIN, Distiller’s Heart of Flemish Gin 20-3 became Heart Of Flemish Gin 23

The rebranding of the gin concerns the name and the design of the bottle. Previously, the gin was called The OriGIN Distiller’s Heart Of Flemish Gin 20-3. Now we keep the core: Heart Of Flemish Gin 23.


Same bottle, different label and cork with inlaid copper seal

In terms of label design, we are taking a completely different approach: white becomes stylish black. The black colour not only radiates more luxury, it also refers to the origin of distilling, alchemy (< Kheme, Egyptian for black). Again, discover the Leo Botanicus in the four corners of the label. Above and below the central logo, the botanicals appear.

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